Schedule Circus Care

Book Physical Therapy Care in WA & OR State
Emily’s in-person practice, Pure Motion Physical Therapy, operates out of two Seattle locations and in Southern Oregon. Find the one that works best with your schedule and get your questions answered.

Book Circus Wellness Consults Outside of WA & OR
Let’s answer those questions or concerns you have about your body. Whether it is about your training, how you hang, strength, flexibility or fixing training aches we will examine the root causes and assess the best course of action. At the end of the visit you will be given a plan of action to help you achieve your personal goals.

For healthcare professionals who are interested in working with this incredible population and seek support to grow their circus specific skillset and business. OR for instructors ready to dive deep into anatomy, biomechanics and coaching skills. Let’s talk about circus bodies and/or professional development and growth!”
Have questions? Email!